Thursday 27 September 2012

Gurlz Gang Pyjama Party!!

Sometimes unplanned plans are the best plans you can ever plan!! Funny but true!!!

The other day we'd gone to our regular tapri for evening chai when one of my friends told us that her roomies were to go out for a few days and suggested that we come over to her place to stay overnight! We all were super excited at this thought and immediately agreed to it!!

It was a weekday and we reached her house in the evening. Her house was beautiful- 2 large bedrooms, hall, kitchen and a nice big balcony! We were on our house exploring spree when we discovered a very unique kind of head gear- It had multi colored maggi-like curly strands- which reminded us of Malinga :P As we all took turns in wearing it and posing in front of the cam, lovely sandwiches and garma garam chai awaited us!!

We had planned to celebrate our host's b'day and had ordered a cake for her- though the cake was not actually a surprise ;) we decided to amuse her in a little different small way!
As dinner was almost already- only some final touches remained, some of us took to the kitchen and the rest went into a bedroom!

We had decorated her room with balloons and candles and the cake!

She was so very pleasantly surprised on seeing this- her eyes shone with happiness! She cut the cake and everyone pounced on the cream to give her a nice chocolate facial :o) never before had she looked prettier :P
We all then hogged onto the cake as though we'd never had anything like this before!! And believe me- eating the cake like this gives it an additional sweetness!!

After some more of foto session, it was time to turn to the kitchen for dinner! ooooooo what lovely food awaited us!! The menu included mouth watering chole-bhature, delicious aloo parathas, jeera rice, boondi raita and this huge exotic food graced with delicious kheer- perfectly flavored with kaju n badaam!! We all only ate n ate n ate..... Ultimately there came a time when we just couldn't take in anymore...our tummy said ENOUGH... but our tongues still craved for more!!!

This heavenly treat obviously made us feel so lazy that we all just lay around in the room- no one was sleepy though ;) chit chatting, gossiping and talking about many things- gurlz talk :o) whoz doing what, and who behaves how n about latest fashion trends n about movies! Actually I realized then- all girls are equally crazy!! We also shared some lesser known facts about each other. That day I came closer to a universal truth- everyone in this world has grief, in some form or the other. It all depends on the person how he deals with it- some keep cribbing about it while others just smile it away!

The situation had turned a little emotional- just when Munni came to our rescue! One of us started playing "Munni badnam hui..." over her laptop. Upon hearing this, another enthusiastic dancer jumped to her feet and started flaunting her dance moves. One by one all of us started moving to the music and gradually the room turned into a dance floor!! With music blaring out loud and all of us dancing like nomads, we started sweating out the loads of calories we'd just consumed!! We kept dancing until we got so tired and couldn't move any further! It was almost 4a.m. by then!!

None of us wanted to sleep but the next big day at office looked us into the face :( To wind up all this super xcitement and give it a soothing touch, my friend got out her guitar and started striking the chords! Though she was not too good at it :P but we all enjoyed so much!! We all lay on our beds rewinding the entire evening and missing one of our friends who couldn't make it- we really missed u dear :(

I really thanked God for the precious gift He has given me- "My Dear Friends"!!
How cozily I drifted away into the memories of one of the MOST wonderful days I'd had!!

Friday 7 September 2012

My Dancing Debut!

Dance? And me? No, Never... thats not my cup of tea!
This was what I used to say till a few days back. But not anymore...

It all started with an email circulated in office that a Shiamak Davar's dance session for beginners was to start soon.
Just a few days back a friend of mine had joined Shaimak's class and had completed a few levels. I always envied those who danced well... and so I immediately decided to grab this opportunity!

I was a little apprehensive when I started- I thought only I couldnt dance and everyone else could! But I was wrong- believe me there were people worse than me :P
Our trainer- Vinayak- was really good- (He being one of the reasons I never missed any sessions ;)) Apart from that he really danced so well!
He repeated the steps multiple times till we got a hang of it...but remembering the sequence of steps was a tough thing! We conviniently mixed up all steps- actually it needs practice but I couldn't manage to find extra time for this :(

One of the best moments of the session for me was when Vinayak was teaching a particular step, not all could get it... so he called forward a few who performed it well and asked others to follow them... and guess what... I was one of them :)
We learnt different dance forms like bollywood, hip-hop, locking n popping, retro! We also shot a few of those :) All of it was so exciting!!

The sad part is that the sessions are now over... :( but I think I'l continue this... I'l try to :)

Believe me dance is real fun! You tend to enjoy every moment of it!
For those who think that their age to dance has past... I'd rather like to tell them that therz no age limit for dancing... you can just dance anytime- for your sake- for you to enjoy- for you to relax- for you to feel good!!
I feel so nice now! I feel this is one of the good decisions that I have taken in life... I feel like thanking my friend who had taken up Shiamaks class- and told me about it!

I wouldn't say I know dancing very well- but yes, now I am a little confident- confident that I can pick up some steps and follow others- and most importantly- I can now dance to njoy myself!

Sunday 2 September 2012


Today after lunch, I was as lazy as every day post lunch..
Suddenly my friend came up to my desk and started scribbling something on a piece of paper...
I hardly bothered to pay attention to what she was doing...

Once she was done and I took a look at it... my eyes were treated with something so pleasant... she had drawn an umbrella :)
I immediately drew another one next to hers... and I realized I was drawing it after ages! Then I drew a little boy holding the umbrella… with the typical shirt and trousers wearing gum-boots!
Then was the house, the one with a slanting roof having a single door and two windows. A path leading from the door exactly to touch a tree standing somewhere far away from the house! Next came the mountains- three mountains with two valleys… and then was the funniest part... two suns shining bright in the two available valleys!!! Then there was a small waterfall from the mountains leading to a small stream... with fishes so clearly visible!

It brought back the most cherished memories of childhood- where your world was limited to school, homework, friends and play!! You fought with your best friend so often and still she remained your best friend! You jumped and ran, laughed and cried- everything so openly... never thought about others before doing so...

Oh what a lovely time of life that was... no worries, no tensions... Life was so innocent and the world around you was so pure! You were JUST YOURSELF!!

If god ever asked me as to what part of life I would like to re-live, it would definitely be my childhood....

My First Blog...Thankyou!

I start to blog, but I don’t know what to write...
Should I write that I am happy? But I am not…
Should I write that I am sad? But I don’t want to tell…
I aim to write something…  But I am aimless…
Then why am I writing?

Is it coz someone has told me about blogging?
Or is it coz I want to explore it?
Or is it coz someone had once asked me if I write anything?
Well…I think that’s where my answer lies…

I believe every person comes into your life with a purpose- Your friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues- everyone.  Some of them stay with you… some leave you. At times you feel bad about it, but some don’t matter at all. But everyone has a purpose. It depends on you if you get the reason behind their existence in your life. This time I think I have. I feel maybe this is one of the reasons- just one of them- that this friend entered my life. 

Thank you my friend- for making me aware of my liking towards writing… something which existed… but I didn’t know it did…!

I am not very good at it and I don’t know how far I shall continue to write… but whenever I’ll write something… I think I’ll definitely remember you!

Thank you!