Tuesday 13 May 2014


She thinks... She wants to be thought about...
She wonders... She wants to be analyzed...

She is eager... She wants to be asked...
She is amazed... She wants to be felt happy for...
She gives... She expects...
She cares... She wants to be cared for...

Does she do it coz she wants?
Or does she want coz she does it?

He cared...
He asked...
He bothered...

But once...
All that is a passe now...

"I am more of a face to face person"... is what he said...
And forgotten... So easily...
Then why can't she?

Maybe it wasn't easy to him too...
Maybe times have made him strong...
But then why not her?

He has moved on..
Not that she is clinging on to it...
But why cant she let go?

Clutching at straws...
Each time with a new hope... that she is not let down...

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