Sunday 18 November 2012

Tired I am...

Tired I am... of faking a smiling face to the world..
Tired I am...of trying not to hurt my loved ones..I try hard- but I fail sometimes..
Tired I am... of thinking- people say not to think too much- and I tell my mind not too... but it does not obey...
Tired I am... of my mood changes- morning I feel all is well... but evenings get the gloom along...
Tired I am... of waiting- the hardest part in life is when u don't know whether to wait... or to move on...

I decide to move on... but there is no road to move on... or rather I do not see it...
But I have no complaints- whom can I complain to? What should I complain about?
I am trying to find happiness in other things-
I tell myself - I am happy
Then I ask myself- Am I really happy?
And the answer is- I don't know...

But I know.. Tired I am...

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