Sunday, 25 November 2012


"Do you have a crush on me?" He asks.
She is stunned...

Does he intentionaly call it a crush? Or is it sheer carelessness?
What does that mean?

He'd once asked if she'd leave her hometown for him- she'd agreed- was that only a crush?
He'd send messages late night and got impatient if she wasn't online- then she'd apologise- was that only a crush?
He'd dread that she may fight with him- she'd assured that she won't- was that only a crush?
He'd ask if she'd cook for him- she said she'd love to- was that only a crush?
He'd assure her that his family was very sweet and simple- she was convinced- was that only a crush?
He'd talk to her about the future- she'd join in- was that only a crush?
He'd ask how many kids she wanted- she'd shy away- was that only a crush?

Does he know the meaning of crush? Or does she not know??
Must be her...
She must have been the one reading so much into it...

"Do you have a crush on me?" He asks.
She does not reply...
He tries to makeup by saying "Just pulling your leg"
She does not reply...
He notices and asks, "Is everything alright?”

She lies, "Yes".

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Tired I am...

Tired I am... of faking a smiling face to the world..
Tired I am...of trying not to hurt my loved ones..I try hard- but I fail sometimes..
Tired I am... of thinking- people say not to think too much- and I tell my mind not too... but it does not obey...
Tired I am... of my mood changes- morning I feel all is well... but evenings get the gloom along...
Tired I am... of waiting- the hardest part in life is when u don't know whether to wait... or to move on...

I decide to move on... but there is no road to move on... or rather I do not see it...
But I have no complaints- whom can I complain to? What should I complain about?
I am trying to find happiness in other things-
I tell myself - I am happy
Then I ask myself- Am I really happy?
And the answer is- I don't know...

But I know.. Tired I am...